Complexity, Wicked Problems, and AI-Augmented Decision Making

Over the years, some of the most thought provoking research we have read on the practical implications and applications of complex adaptive systems theory has come from people who have never received the recognition their thinking deserves. One is Dietrich Dorner and his team at Otto-Friedrich University in Bamberg, Germany (see his book, The Logic of Failure). Another is Anne-Marie Grisogono, who worked for years at Defense Science and Technology Australia and has recently left there for academia, at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia.

Grisogono recently published “How Could Future AI Help Tackle Global Complex Problems?” It is a great synthesis of the challenges for decision makers posed by increasing complexity and how improving artificial intelligence technologies could one day help meet them.

She begins by noting that, “we can define intelligence as the ability to produce effective responses or courses of action that are solutions to complex problems—in other words, problems that are unlikely to be solved by random trial and error, and that therefore require the abilities to make finer and finer distinctions between more and more combinations of relevant factors and to process them so as to generate a good enough solution.”

Grisogono then links this definition of intelligence to the emergence and growth of complexity. “Obviously [finding good enough solutions] becomes more difficult as the number of possible choices increases, and as the number of relevant factors and the consequence pathways multiply. Thus complexity in the ecosystem environment generates selection pressure for effective adaptive responses to the [increasing] complexity.”

“One possible adaptive strategy is to find niches to specialize for, within which the complexity is reduced. The opposite strategy is to improve the ability to cope with the complexity by evolving increased intelligence at an individual level, or collective intelligence through various types of cooperative or mutualistic relationships. Either way, increased intelligence in one species will generally increase the complexity of the problems they pose for both other species in the shared ecosystem environment, and for their own conspecifics, driving yet further rounds of adaptations. Even when cooperative interactions evolve to deal with problems that are more complex than an individual can cope with, the shared benefits come with a further complexity cost”…

That said, “it is evident that human intelligence and ingenuity have led to immense progress in producing solutions for many of the pressing problems of past generations, such as higher living standards, longer life expectancy, better education and working conditions. But it is equally evident that the transformations they have wrought in human society and in the planetary environment include many harmful unintended consequences, and that the benefits themselves are not equitably distributed and have often masked unexpected downsides…

“This ratcheting dynamic of increasing intelligence and increasing complexity continues as long as two conditions are met: further increases in sensing and processing are sufficiently accessible to the evolutionary process, and the selection pressure is sufficient to drive it. Either condition can fail. Thus generally a plateau of dynamic equilibrium is reached. But it is also possible that under the right conditions, which we will return to below, the ratcheting of both complexity and intelligence may continue and accelerate.”

Grisogono then moves on to a fascinating and admirably succinct discussion of “what we have learned about the specific limitations that plague human decision-makers in complex problems. We can break this down into two parts: the aspects of complex problems that we find so difficult, and what it is about our brains that limits our ability to cope with those aspects.”

She begins by noting that, “Interdependence is a defining feature of complexity and has many challenging and interesting consequences. In particular, the network of interdependencies between different elements of the problem means that it cannot be successfully treated by dividing it into sub-problems that can be handled separately. Any attempt to do that creates more problems than it solves because of the interactions between the partial solutions…

“There is no natural boundary that completely isolates a complex problem from the context it is embedded in. There is always some traffic of information, resources, and agents in and out of the situation that can bring about unexpected changes, and therefore the context cannot be excluded from attention…

“Complex problems exist at multiple scales, with different agents, behaviors and properties at each, but with interactions between scales. This includes emergence, the appearance of complex structure and dynamics at larger scales as a result of smaller-scale phenomena, and its converse, top-down causation, whereby events or properties at a larger scale can alter what is happening at the smaller scales. In general, all the scales are important, and there is no single “right” scale at which to act…

“Interdependence implies multiple interacting causal and influence pathways leading to, and fanning out from, any event or property, so simple causality (one cause—one effect), or linear causal chains will not hold in general. Yet much of our cultural conditioning is predicated on a naïve view of linear causal chains, such as finding “the cause” of an effect, or “the person” to be held responsible for something, or “the cure” for a problem. Focusing on singular or primary causes makes it more difficult to intervene effectively in complex systems and produce desired outcomes without attendant undesired ones—so-called “side-effects” or unintended consequences…

“Furthermore, such networks of interactions between contributing factors can produce emergent behaviors which are not readily attributable or intuitively anticipatable or comprehensible, implying unknown risks and unrecognized opportunities” ...

“Many important aspects of complex problems are hidden, so there is inevitable uncertainty as to how the events and properties that are observable, are linked through causal and influence pathways, and therefore many hypotheses about them are possible. These cannot be easily distinguished based on the available evidence…

As if complexity isn’t enough, “there are generally multiple interdependent goals in a complex problem, both positive and negative, poorly framed, often unrealistic or conflicted, vague or not explicitly stated, and stakeholders will often disagree on the weights to place on the different goals, or change their minds. Achieving sufficient high level goal clarity to develop concrete goals for action is in itself a complex problem…

Grisogono then summarizes the cognitive abilities that are needed to successfully engage with complex problems.

“One immediate conclusion that can be drawn is that there is a massive requirement for cognitive bandwidth—not only to keep all the relevant aspects at all the relevant scales in mind as one seeks to understand the nature of the problem and what may be possible to do, but even more challenging, to incorporate appropriate non-linear dynamics as trajectories in time are explored…

“But there is a more fundamental problem that needs to be addressed first: how to acquire the necessary relevant information about the composition, structure and dynamics of the complex problem and its context at all the necessary scales, and revise and update it as it evolves. This requires a stance of continuous learning, i.e., simultaneous sensing, testing, learning and updating across all the dimensions and scales of the problem, and the ability to discover and access relevant sources of information. At their best, humans are okay at this, up to a point, but not at the sheer scale and tempo of what is required in real world complex problems which refuse to stand still while we catch up…

“To understand how all these factors interact to limit human competence in managing complex problems, and what opportunities might exist for mitigating them through advanced AI systems, we now review some key findings from relevant research.

“In particular we are interested in learning about the nature of human decision-making in the context of attempting to manage an ongoing situation which is sufficiently protracted and complex to defeat most, but not all, decision-makers.

“Drawing useful conclusions about the detailed decision-making behaviors that tend to either sow the seeds of later catastrophes, or build a basis for sustained success, calls for an extensive body of empirical data from many diverse human subjects making complex decisions in controllable and repeatable complex situations. Clearly this is a tall ask, so not surprisingly, the field is sparse.

"However, one such research program [led by Dietrich Dorner and his team], which has produced important insights about how successful and unsuccessful decision-making behaviors differ, stands out in having also addressed the underlying neurocognitive and affective processes that conspire to make it very difficult for human decision-makers to maintain the more successful behaviors, and to avoid falling into a vicious cycle of less effective behaviors.

“In brief, through years of experimentation with human subjects attempting to achieve complex goals in computer-based micro-worlds with complex underlying dynamics, the specific decision-making behaviors that differentiated a small minority of subjects who achieved acceptable outcomes in the longer term, from the majority who failed to do so, were identified. Results indicated that most subjects could score some quick wins early in the game, but as the unintended consequences of their actions developed and confronted them, and their attempts to deal with them created further problems, the performance of the overwhelming majority (90%) quickly deteriorated, pushing their micro-worlds into catastrophic or chronic failure.

“As would be expected, their detailed behaviors reproduced many well-documented findings about the cognitive traps posed by human heuristics and biases. Low ambiguity tolerance was found to be a significant factor in precipitating the behavior of prematurely jumping to conclusions about the problem and what was to be done about it, when faced with situational uncertainty, ambiguity and pressure to achieve high-level goals. The chosen (usually ineffective) course of action was then defended and persevered with through a combination of confirmation bias, commitment bias, and loss aversion, in spite of available contradictory evidence.

"The unfolding disaster was compounded by a number of other reasoning shortcomings such as difficulties in steering processes with long latencies and in projecting cumulative and non-linear processes. Overall they had poor situation understanding, were likely to focus on symptoms rather than causal factors, were prone to a number of dysfunctional behavior patterns, and attributed their failures to external causes rather than learning from them and taking responsibility for the outcomes they produced.

“By contrast, the remaining ten percent who eventually found ways to stabilize their micro-world, showed systematic differences in their decision-making behaviors and were able to counter the same innate tendencies by taking what amounts to an adaptive approach, developing a conceptual model of the situation, and a stratagem based on causal factors, seeking to learn from unexpected outcomes, and constantly challenging their own thinking and views. Most importantly, they displayed a higher degree of ambiguity tolerance than the unsuccessful majority.

These findings are particularly significant here because most of the individual human decision-making literature has concentrated on how complex decision-making fails, not on how it succeeds. However, insights from research into successful organizational decision-making in complex environments corroborate the importance of taking an adaptive approach.

“In summary, analysis of the effective decision behaviors offers important insights into what is needed, in both human capabilities and AI support, to deal with even higher levels of complexity beyond current human competence. There are two complementary aspects here—put simply: how to avoid pitfalls (what not to do), and how to adopt more successful approaches (what to do instead).

“It is not difficult to understand how the decision making behaviors associated with the majority contributed to their lack of success, nor how those of the rest enabled them to develop sufficient conceptual and practical understanding to manage and guide the situation to an acceptable regime. Indeed if the two lists of behaviors are presented to an audience, everyone can readily identify which list leads to successful outcomes and which leads to failure.

"Yet if those same individuals are placed in the micro-world hot seat, 90% of them will display the very behaviors they just identified as likely to be unsuccessful. This implies that the displayed behaviors are not the result of conscious rational choice, but are driven to some extent by unconscious processes...

“This observation informed development of a theoretical model [by Dorner and his team] incorporating both cognitive and neurophysiological processes to explain the observed data. In brief, the model postulates two basic psychological drives that are particularly relevant to complex decision making, a need for certainty and a need for competence. These are pictured metaphorically as tanks that can be topped up by signals of certainty (one’s expectations being met) and signals of competence (one’s actions producing desired outcomes), and drained by their opposites—surprises and unsuccessful actions.

“The difference between the current level and the set point of a tank creates a powerful unconscious need, stimulating some behavioral tendencies and suppressing others, and impacting on cognitive functions through stimulation of physiological stress. If both levels are sufficient the result is motivation to explore, reflect, seek information and take risky action if necessary—all necessary components of effective decision making behavior.

"But if the levels get too low the individual becomes anxious and is instead driven to flee, look for reassurance from others, seek only information that confirms his existing views so as to top up his dangerously low senses of certainty and competence, and deny or marginalize any tank draining contradictory information…

“The impacts of stress on cognitive functions reinforce these tendencies by reducing abilities to concentrate, sustain a course of action, and recall relevant knowledge. Individuals whose tanks are low therefore find it difficult to sustain the decision-making behaviors associated with success, and are likely to act in ways that generate further draining signals, digging themselves deeper into a vicious cycle of failure.

“We can now understand the 90:10 ratio, as the competing attractors are not symmetric—the vicious cycle of the less effective decision behaviors is self-reinforcing and robust, while the virtuous cycle of success is more fragile because one’s actions are not the sole determinant of outcomes in a complex situation, so even the best decision-makers will sometimes find their tanks getting depleted, and therefore have difficulty sustaining the more effective decision making behaviors.

“Further research has demonstrated that the more effective decision making behaviors are trainable to some extent, but because they entail changing meta-cognitive habits they require considerable practice, reinforcement and ongoing support.

"However, the scope for significant enhancement of unaided human complex decision making competence is limited—not only in the level of competence achievable, but also and more importantly, in the degree of complexity that can be managed. Meanwhile, the requirements for increased competence, and the inexorable rise in degree of complexity to be managed, continue to grow.”

In the remainder of the paper, Grisogono lays out the requirements for an AI system that could substantially improve our ability to make good decisions when confronted with complex, wicked problems. She concludes that current AI technology is far from what we need.

"Despite its successes, the best examples of AI are still very specialized applications that focus on well-defined domains, and that generally require a vast amount of training data to achieve their high performance. Such applications can certainly be components of an AI decision support system for managing very complex problems, but the factors [already] discussed imply that much more is needed: not just depth in narrow aspects, but breadth of scope by connecting the necessary components so as to create a virtual environment which is a sufficiently valid model of the problem and its context, and in which decision-makers can safely explore and test options for robustness and effectiveness, while being supported in maintaining effective decision making behaviors and resisting the less effective ones.”

Until AI-based decision support systems like this are developed, human beings’ batting average in successfully resolving the growing number of wicked problems we face is destined to remain low, and our few successes heavily dependent on a very small set of uniquely talented people who have a superior intuitive grasp of the nature and behavior of complex adaptive systems. In the short-term and medium-term, our critical challenge is how to increase their number.
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